All-Times Food:
Color Pencil 7"x7"
Cottleston Pie:
Color Pencil 10"x7"
Count von Count:
Color Pencil 9"x10"
Sandwich War:
Watercolor and Goauche 8.5"x11.5"
Train Stop:
Brush and Ink 6"x9"
Pencils 10"x7"
Pie Time:
Brush and Ink 11"x8.5"
Sandwich War:
Pencils 10.5"x7.25"
Space Bear 2010:
Gouache 5"x7"
Old Man:
Sunday Afternoon:
Brush and Ink 10"x7"
Landscape Sketches:
Comic Strip Commissions for Columbia Pictures' How Do You Know?
Brush, ink, and digital tones
Gun Ash:
Pencil 10"x10"